Virtual Video Production Techniques

Virtual Video Production Techniques

Tips for capturing your virtual video content.

Now you’ve got your video content plan, this video will provide you with some tips as to how to set up your virtual video production.  It should come as no surprise that preparation is key to ensuring a seamless experience and capturing good quality content.

Prepare the questions and desired responses.

Prepare the questions and the answers, the desired responses that you want from your ‘talent’ video production. At this stage you should also map out what little extras you need to record in order to make your different styles of videos e.g. you might want to add closing remarks for each topic in your webinar. This will help with editing those smaller topic videos, or it might help you produce that trailer for social media advertising. Think about your call to action at the end of your videos. Mapping out the structure of the video and the Q&As can help greatly in getting someone to agree to be recorded on video.  If you would like to learn more about how to get someone to agree to be recorded on video watch this video here.

Pick Ups

When you have finished recording your session, you may want to consider recording what we call ‘pick ups’. These can be edited into your video and may replace the odd stumble or make for a better version. A good example is the introduction before you cut to the main speaker or a closing remark.  Keep in mind that these can only be edited into the final video if you are full screen (without the other person in the frame) or if you cut to B- roll – otherwise you need to think about how you will transition to the next shot.  Editing in better ‘takes’ will make for a better audience / user experience.

Getting the consent

Most people are reluctant to be recorded on video.  I’ve produced a seperate video on this topic which runs through 10 things you need to consider before asking the question. If you would like to learn more about how to get someone to agree to be recorded on video watch this video here.


When it comes to the look and feel of your video, a lot comes down to your branding. You will need to provide your talent with specific instructions in this regard.

Let’s start with the background, make it clean and uncluttered so it doesn’t distract the audience. For lighting, your talent might not have lighting equipment, but they are able to open windows and curtains for instance, to let light in and improve the overall composition.

Talent positioning –  if you’re having a two person discussion, rather than asking them to always face the camera (which they have naturally become accustomed to do), you could ask them to look ‘off camera’. and if you do the same, (make sure you look in the right direction (towards the talent)), then you can combine the two and it will make for a much more, less confrontational video – a video that your audience is more used to, rather like a documentary where people look ‘off camera’.


Audio is always questionable when recording online. It’s due to the unreliability of bandwidth and internet speed. To safeguard against poor audio, use your smartphone (which is likely to have an audio recording App) to record audio separately and in addition to your computer. Ask your talent to do the same. If you have a lapel microphone, it will produce even better sound. Have this audio edited into the final production. I guarantee that it’s going to be better than the audio that’s been recorded (online) up by your computer!


Editing your videos can greatly enhance production quality and the engagement rates / the audience experience. Basic editing, cutting out technical mistakes or long pauses makes for shorter more engaging video content. Make your video content brand compliant with background styles and colours, name tags, Call To Actions, chapter titles, summary titles, bullet point overlays – all brand compliant with your font and colour specs. Add B roll footage to cut away to different visuals when relevant. You can use stock footage, or it could be screen recordings of your software in action. You can even get that PowerPoint presentation, convert it into a movie format and incorporate it. Editing is a very important tool when it comes to engagement.

Camera Choice

For a Pro Tip, it is possible to connect your desktop to a different camera other than the inbuilt desktop camera. It’s quite technical and require software and of course another camera. We connect our DSLR cameras to improve the look of our virtual video productions. If you would like help with this then please contact us.

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