Spotlight Productions was hired to illustrate how the PeopleWorx initiative assists participants either in undertaking further study, or by engaging them with the community through volunteer work that often leads to paid employment.
Family Life is an independent, innovative community service organisation in Melbourne, enabling children, young people and families to thrive in caring communities.
The PeopleWorx Social Enterprise program is for anyone (young or old) who needs help to get the skills, support and work experience necessary to become active members of society. The innovative program offers real world training in their warehouse and retail environments in preparation for future employment or study.
The footage included interviews with participants of the program, as well as their workplace training. We interviewed the CEO, qualified trainers, social workers, volunteer mentors and the participants involved in the initiative.
Spotlight Productions excels in understanding client needs in order to collaborate towards a common goals. The video was used on the Family Life website and in other marketing collateral.
The goal of producing the video was to raise awareness and get funding for Family Life. It needed to help illustrate how PeopleWorx has helped over 1,000 unemployed people find a job, pursue further study or continue to volunteer.